
つぶやき | Rambling


くまさんのCFSつれづれ日記 | Kuma-san's CFS Diary

Kuma-san’s CFS Diary【The Inner Voice】by Yurari | ゆらりさん作・くまさんのCFSつれづれ日記【心の声】{#30}

I translated one of Ms. Yurari's comics, "Kuma-san's CFS Diary【The Inner Voice】" I would like to share it here on my blo...
気づき & 発見 | Realization & Discovery


気づき & 発見 | Realization & Discovery

Different Perspective Brings New Discovery; a Walk for Sakura Photos

I went out to a park in my neighborhood to take some photos the other day.It had been a few years since I last took a wa...
くまさんのCFSつれづれ日記 | Kuma-san's CFS Diary

Everyday Struggles of CFS【Everyone is Different and Things are Hard for Everyone】by Yurari | ゆらりさん作・CFSのトホホ・・・な毎日【みんな違ってみんなつらい】{#29}

I translated one of Ms. Yurari's comics, "Everyday Struggles of CFS【Everyone is Different and Things are Hard for Everyo...
くまさんのCFSつれづれ日記 | Kuma-san's CFS Diary

Kuma-san’s CFS Diary【It’s Not Your Lifestyle to Blame】by Yurari | ゆらりさん作・くまさんのCFSつれづれ日記【生活習慣のせいじゃない】{#28}

I translated one of Ms. Yurari's comics, "Kuma-san's CFS Diary【It's Not Your Lifestyle to Blame】" I would like to share ...
くまさんのCFSつれづれ日記 | Kuma-san's CFS Diary

Kuma-san’s CFS Diary【”I Get It”】by Yurari | ゆらりさん作・くまさんのCFSつれづれ日記【「わかる〜」】{#27}

I translated one of Ms. Yurari's comics, "Kuma-san's CFS Diary【"I Get It"】" I would like to share it here on my blog.ゆらり...
くまさんのCFSつれづれ日記 | Kuma-san's CFS Diary

Kuma-san’s CFS Diary【What’s Wrong?】by Yurari | ゆらりさん作・くまさんのCFSつれづれ日記【どこが悪いの?】{#26}

I translated one of Ms. Yurari's comics, "Kuma-san's CFS Diary【What's Wrong?】" I would like to share it here on my blog....
気づき & 発見 | Realization & Discovery


最近スマホの使い方を変え使用時間を大幅に減らしたら、眠りの質が改善し、心も体も楽になった話をしたいと思います。▲我が愛しのスマホSony Xperia XZ2。2年ほど愛用しています。スマホ疲れの原因を分析厳しい残暑がひと段落した9月半ばの...
くまさんのCFSつれづれ日記 | Kuma-san's CFS Diary

Kuma-san’s CFS Diary【Life-Threatening Disease1, 2 & 3】by Yurari | ゆらりさん作・くまさんのCFSつれづれ日記【命にかかわる病気①②③】{#25}

I translated Ms. Yurari's comic series, "Kuma-san's CFS Diary【Life-Threatening Disease 1, 2 & 3】!" I would like to share...
気づき & 発見 | Realization & Discovery


気づき & 発見 | Realization & Discovery

Excitement in Doing Things Your Own Way (Study Methods & Love from a Chronic Illness Perspective)

There are many things in the world that are perceived to be "common sense" or "normal." However, sometimes those methods...
くまさんのCFSつれづれ日記 | Kuma-san's CFS Diary

Kuma-san’s CFS Diary【It Could Be You】by Yurari | ゆらりさん作・くまさんのCFSつれづれ日記【人事じゃないよ】{#24}

I translated one of Ms. Yurari's comics, "Kuma-san's CFS Diary【It Could Be You】!" I would like to share it here on my bl...
昔話 | Old Stories


昔話 | Old Stories

Fears and Guilt I Unknowingly Harbored during My First Years Teaching Junior High/High School students

I started working as an online English teacher when I was 28 in 2013.In spite of the fact that I have Myalgic Encephalom...
くまさんのCFSつれづれ日記 | Kuma-san's CFS Diary

Kuma-san’s CFS Diary【Everyone Has Their Own Struggles】by Yurari | ゆらりさん作・くまさんのCFSつれづれ日記【それぞれ独自の…】{#23}

I translated one of Ms. Yurari's comics, "Kuma-san's CFS Diary【Everyone Has Their Own Struggles】!" I would like to share...
くまさんのCFSつれづれ日記 | Kuma-san's CFS Diary

Kuma-san’s CFS Diary【Things That I Learned From My Illness】by Yurari | ゆらりさん作・くまさんのCFSつれづれ日記【病気から得たもの】{#22}

I translated one of Ms. Yurari's comics, "Kuma-san's CFS Diary【Things That I Learned From My Illness】!" I would like to ...
音楽 & 映画 | Music & Movies

レイチェル・プラッテンの人生応援歌ファイト・ソングに応援される | Got Cheered On By Rachel Platten’s Fight Song

Rachel Platten (レイチェル・プラッテン)というアメリカ人歌手をご存知ですか?Have you ever heard of an American singer, Rachel Platten?つい先日、彼女の曲"Fight ...
くまさんのCFSつれづれ日記 | Kuma-san's CFS Diary

Kuma-san’s CFS Diary【Hospital】by Yurari | ゆらりさん作・くまさんのCFSつれづれ日記【病院】{#21}

I translated one of Ms. Yurari's comics, "Kuma-san's CFS Diary【Hospital】!" I would like to share it here on my blog.ゆらりさ...
昔話 | Old Stories


くまさんのCFSつれづれ日記 | Kuma-san's CFS Diary

Everyday Struggles of CFS 【A Few Types of Exhaustion】by Yurari | ゆらりさん作・CFSのトホホな毎日【いろんな疲労】{#20}

I translated one of Ms. Yurari's comics, "Everyday Struggles ofCFS【A Few Types of Exhaustion】!" I would like to share it...
気づき & 発見 | Realization & Discovery


気づき & 発見 | Realization & Discovery

How I Prepared for an English Proficiency Test in Tokyo as an ME patient

If you have moderate or severe ME, it will take considerable effort and thorough preparation just to get out of your hou...
くまさんのCFSつれづれ日記 | Kuma-san's CFS Diary

Kuma-san’s CFS Diary【This or That】by Yurari | ゆらりさん作・くまさんのCFSつれづれ日記【あれかこれか】{#19}

I translated one of Ms. Yurari's comics, "Kuma-san's CFS Diary【This or That】!" I would like to share it here on my blog....
くまさんのCFSつれづれ日記 | Kuma-san's CFS Diary

Kuma-san’s CFS Diary【To The Point Where People Become Impatient】by Yurari | ゆらりさん作・くまさんのCFSつれづれ日記【いいかげんにしろとなる】{#18}

I translated one of Ms. Yurari's comics, "Kuma-san's CFS Diary【To The Point Where People Become Impatient】!" I would lik...
気づき & 発見 | Realization & Discovery


気づき & 発見 | Realization & Discovery

3 Ways I Fight the Anxiety of Worsening ME/CFS

No matter how long I have had my illness, ME/CFS, there is something that I cannot overcome.It is the fear that my illne...
くまさんのCFSつれづれ日記 | Kuma-san's CFS Diary

Kuma-san’s CFS Diary【”You Can’t Give Up!”】by Yurari | ゆらりさん作・くまさんのCFSつれづれ日記【「あきらめちゃダメ!」】{#17}

I translated one of Ms. Yurari's comics, "Kuma-san's CFS Diary【"You Can't Give Up!"】!" I would like to share it here on ...
プロフィール | Profile

筋痛性脳脊髄炎(ME/CFS)ってどんな病気?| What is Myalgic Encephalomyelitis (ME/CFS)?

もうかれこれ24年の付き合いになる、私の持病「筋痛性脳脊髄炎」(きんつうせいのうせきずいえん)。It has now been 24 years since I came down with my illness, Myalgic Ence...
くまさんのCFSつれづれ日記 | Kuma-san's CFS Diary

Kuma-san’s CFS Diary【Don’t Doubt Me…】by Yurari | ゆらりさん作・くまさんのCFSつれづれ日記【疑わないで…】{#16}

I translated one of Ms. Yurari's comics, "Kuma-san's CFS Diary【Don't Doubt Me...】!" I would like to share it here on my ...