プロフィールと当ブログ紹介 | About This Blog and Me

☆更新日:2025年1月15日 | Update: Jan 15, 2025☆

自己紹介 | Self-introduction

名前 : ゆっきー 
Name : Yukey
I decided to go with the name, “Yukey”, which I go by at work, though I used the name “Yasunosukey” for a long time.

出身 : 茨城県
Location: Ibaraki Prefecture, Japan 

誕生日: 1985年1月生まれの40歳 
Date of Birth : January, 1985 Age 40

職業: オンライン英会話講師
Occupation: Online English teacher

趣味と好きなこと: 物心がつく前から車が好き。タイヤとエンジンがついているもの全部好き。Super GT、DTM、Indy Car、F1、WECなどのモータスポーツ観戦も大好き。もちろん運転も大好きです。その他、写真、洋楽、歌詞翻訳、家電、模型作りなどなど、好きなことはたくさんあります。

Hobbies and Interests: I have LOVED cars for as long as I can remember. Anything that has tires and an engine fascinates me. I am a huge motorsports fan, and I follow many race series such as Super GT, Indy Car, F1, and WEC. Other hobbies include taking photos, listening to music, lyrics translation, and building models. 

Helth Problems: I came down with the flu right before my tenth birthday, and that infection triggered Myalgic Encephalomyelitis [ME] (aka. Chronic Fatigue Syndrome [CFS]). I had been left untreated for 21 years until I finally found a doctor who gave me a correct diagnosis. I think that my current Performance Status is in between 6 and 7. 

当ブログについて | About this blog

I started to write about my illness on my English learning blog, Yukey Eigo-juku, but it was getting more and more unorganized as I wrote a variety of things on one blog. Therefore, I decided to start a new blog.

Myalgic Encephalomyelitis or ME/CFS is a debilitating illness, and that makes it extremely hard for its patients to share information even the Internet has become so common today, so there still is little information about this illness. For this reason, I would like to make this blog full of useful information on ME/CFS for not only its patients but also for the people around them.  

I am going to write this blog both in Japanese and English so that anyone can read it regardless of the language they speak. I named this blog in English because I believe that an English-friendly title will be easier to remember for people abroad. 

著作権 | Privacy Policy and Rights

The contents of this blog are the sole property of Yukey. For this reason, please always use proper citation when quoting articles or portions of articles within this blog.

引用例文: 「引用元:ME Life is Like…」

Please always give proper credit when quoting any content of this blog. For example, “From ME Life is Like…”
Facebook、LINE、Twitter等のソーシャル・ネットワーキングサイトでの引用も必ず、引用元の明記をお願いします。Please also give proper citation on all social media sites such as Facebook, LINE, Twitter, etc.

The contents of the comics that I share in this blog, Kuma-san’s CFS Diary, are the sole property of Ms. Yurari. For this reason, please always ask the author of this manga for a permission beforehand when downloading and re-uploading the comics within the blog articles.

なお、英語の翻訳内容はゆらりさんは一切関知しておりませんので、翻訳版に関するお問い合わせは私・ゆっきー(Twitter経由 [外部リンク])までお願いいたします。
For inquiries about the English version of this manga, please contact me, Yukey via Twitter [external link] as Ms. Yurari does not speak English.

