Kuma-san’s CFS Diary【Always Considering the Risk】by Yurari | ゆらりさん作・くまさんのCFSつれづれ日記【常にリスクを考えてる】{#6}

I translated one of Ms. Yurari’s comics, “Kuma-san’s CFS Diary【Always Considering the Risk】!” I would like to share it here on my blog.ゆらりさん作「くまさんのCFS(慢性疲労症候群)つれづれ日記【常にリスクを考えてる】」を英語に翻訳したので、公開したいと思います。

I will write about my story regarding how hard it can be for an ME/CFS patient to go out, so I would be happy if you read it! 

☆Note: ME is the acronym for Myalgic Encephalomyelitis, which is also known as Chronic Fatigue Syndrome[CFS]. Combined with both acronyms, it is also called as “ME/CFS.”

Always Considering the Risk (English Version)


Click or tap to enlarge the comic.

常にリスクを考えてる (Original Japanese Version)



My cousin’s wedding | いとこの結婚式

“That means sitting in the cafe for 30 minutes, I’ll be in bed for 3 weeks after that…”
What Kuma-san says in the first panel is not an exaggeration but it’s the truth.

If you are an ME/CFS patient, you always have to brace yourself for symptoms such as a headache, fatigue, nausea, diarrhea and high fever as repercussions from your exertion.  

November of last year, I was in the exact same situation as Kuma-san.

I attended my cousin’s wedding in Nagano in November of last year. I decided to attend this close cousin’s wedding the moment he gave me the invitation, but I had to prepare myself for terrible exhaustion from the trip. I knew I was going to have an awful headache and extreme fatigue that would last for at least one week after the trip. 

It takes about three hours to get to Nagano by car. Two weeks prior to the wedding, I tried to get better by slowing down my work, staying at home and going to bed early.

The trip was only two days, but I took three days’ worth of clothes, two hot water bottles, two blankets and aspirin with me. (I needed that much of clothes to change when I sweat during the night and to keep warm.)

Thanks to the thorough preparation, I was able to enjoy myself without getting sick through the wedding. 

I stayed at my uncle’s, and my uncle and aunt had a 20 centimeter-thick bed, electric blanket and kerosene heater for me. And they even kept a heater on all through the night in the hallway. Thanks to that, I did not feel cold at all and I was able to save my precious energy. (I am grateful to them!) 

Due to terrible exhaustion, I had to stay in bed for a week after the trip, but the response to the exertion was much better than I had expected. 

Conclusion | まとめ

Physical or mental exertion will result in devastating symptoms and they usually last for a week or two (or even a few months.)

I would be more than happy if you know that the hardest part of ME/CFS can actually be an abnormal response to exertion.

Credits | 感謝

The author: Yurari | 作者: ゆらり

Correction and proofread: Emily (my friend) | 添削と校正: エミリー(私の友人)
▼Emily’s YouTube channel

Copyright | 著作権

The contents of this manga are the sole property of Ms. Yurari. For this reason, please always ask the author of this manga for a permission beforehand when downloading and re-uploading this manga within this blog article.

For inquiries about the English version of this manga, please contact me, Yukey via Twitter [external link] as Ms. Yurari does not speak English.
なお、英語の翻訳内容はゆらりさんは一切関知しておりませんので、翻訳版に関するお問い合わせは私・ゆっきー(Twitter経由 [外部リンク])までお願いいたします。

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