Kuma-san’s CFS Diary【Words I Couldn’t Say 1 & 2】by Yurari | ゆらりさん作・くまさんのCFSつれづれ日記【言えなかった言葉1・2】{#8}

I translated one of Ms. Yurari’s comics, “Kuma-san’s CFS Diary【Words I Couldn’t Say 1 & 2】!” I would like to share it here on my blog.

I will write about my thoughts on this manga as an ME/CFS patient this time too, so I would be happy if you read it! 

☆Note: ME is the acronym for Myalgic Encephalomyelitis, which is also known as Chronic Fatigue Syndrome[CFS]. Combined with both acronyms, it is also called as “ME/CFS.”

Words I Couldn’t Say (English Version)


Click or tap to enlarge the image.


言えなかった言葉 (Original Japanese Version)





In My Case | 私の場合

Strange as it may seem, what Kuma-san is going through in this manga happens all the time to me as well. There are days when I cannot watch TV even though I can read books. There also are days when I cannot study even though I can translate song lyrics and write blog posts.

Just like Kuma-san explained in this comic, it is difficult to take in new information for ME/CFS patients. It is also extremely hard to be engaged in a conversation or follow a story because you need to keep taking in new information and connecting it with related things in your head all at once. I had never even dreamed that this task would be so hard both mentally and physically when I was healthy.

For me, it is often the case that it takes several days just to finish a single two-hour movie because I get too exhausted to watch it in one go.

On the other hand, there are things that ME/CFS patients can do without too much effort if they are used to doing them. And those things may look too exhausting even for healthy people. In my case, it is reading English newspapers and talking with my close American friend on Skype for two hours in English.

Therefore, a task that can be done easily by one ME/CFS patient does not mean it is easy for another ME/CFS patient to do and vice versa. You cannot see what an ME/CFS patient is truly suffering from, and it is likely that even the patient himself doesn’t really know what’s going on due to the characteristics of this illness. We may not be able to explain our symptoms well, so I would always appreciate it if you just tried to understand the difficulties that we face every day.
そのため、あるME患者が簡単そうにやっていることでも、別のME患者にとっては非常に難しいことであったり、またその逆もあります。 何が一番つらいかは本人しか分かりません。しかもその本人も体調が悪すぎたり、MEの症状が謎過ぎて上手く説明ができない場合も多いです。例え説明が上手くできなくても、とにかく大変なのだということを理解してもらえると嬉しいです。

Conclusion | まとめ

Myalgic Encephalomyelitis is a very mysterious disease. I often get exhausted from things that I never think of as exhausting and have to stay in bed for days or weeks as a result.

Having had this illness for over 20 years, I still don’t think I’m handling my body well. I need to learn a lot about this illness to be able to tell people property about the reality of the life with ME/CFS.

Credits | 感謝

The author: Yurari | 作者: ゆらり

Correction and proofread: Emily (my friend) | 添削と校正: エミリー(私の友人)
▼Emily’s YouTube channel

Copyright | 著作権

The contents of this manga are the sole property of Ms. Yurari. For this reason, please always ask the author of this manga for a permission beforehand when downloading and re-uploading this manga within this blog article.

For inquiries about the English version of this manga, please contact me, Yukey via Twitter [external link] as Ms. Yurari does not speak English.
なお、英語の翻訳内容はゆらりさんは一切関知しておりませんので、翻訳版に関するお問い合わせは私・ゆっきー(Twitter経由 [外部リンク])までお願いいたします。

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