Kuma-san’s CFS Diary【Recovering Strength】by Yurari | ゆらりさん作・くまさんのCFSつれづれ日記【体力回復】{#9}

I translated one of Ms. Yurari’s comics, “Kuma-san’s CFS Diary【Recovering Strength】!” I would like to share it here on my blog.

☆Note: ME is the acronym for Myalgic Encephalomyelitis, which is also known as Chronic Fatigue Syndrome[CFS]. Combined with both acronyms, it is also called as “ME/CFS.”

Recovering Strengh (English Version)


Click or tap to enlarge the image.

体力回復 (Original Japanese Version)



In My Case | 私の場合

In the past twenty-four years since I came down with ME/CFS, I have never had a single day when I feel as refreshed as I used to in the morning. It changes a bit from season to season, but my sleep quality is always terrible. There are times I just cannot get to sleep until 4 in the morning no matter how hard I try, and some other times, I can get to sleep around midnight but cannot get up until afternoon.

Getting sleep is always a difficult task for me.

Also, just like Kuma-san described in the fourth panel, it is often the case that you will feel drowsy and pass out after you eat something if you are a ME/CFS patient. Feeling “drowsy” may be the closest word to what it feels like, but it actually is a whole lot worse than just drowsy.

At the same time, you can’t go without eating. I start to feel sick, and my whole body begins shaking when I get starved. I cannot really describe it well but it feels like my body is sending me a warning .

Conclusion | まとめ

I had never thought that sleeping and eating would take so much out of me when I was healthy.

I just want people to be aware that even resting can be extremely difficult for people with ME/CFS.


Credits | 感謝

The author: Yurari | 作者: ゆらり

Correction and proofread: Emily (my friend) | 添削と校正: エミリー(私の友人)
▼Emily’s YouTube channel

Copyright | 著作権

The contents of this manga are the sole property of Ms. Yurari. For this reason, please always ask the author of this manga for a permission beforehand when downloading and re-uploading this manga within this blog article.

For inquiries about the English version of this manga, please contact me, Yukey via Twitter [external link] as Ms. Yurari does not speak English.
なお、英語の翻訳内容はゆらりさんは一切関知しておりませんので、翻訳版に関するお問い合わせは私・ゆっきー(Twitter経由 [外部リンク])までお願いいたします。

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